Cavendish Venues, four central London conference and meeting venues, have for the last couple of weeks been donating £100 to an animal sanctuary in Mayreau for all new bookings received, today we donated £3500.
Rebuilding Hope for Mayreau’s Animals in the Aftermath of Hurricane Beryl
On July 1st, Hurricane Beryl, a Category 4 storm, tore through this tiny Caribbean island with winds reaching over 150mph, leaving a path of devastating destruction in its wake. Homes were shattered, trees uprooted, and lives altered. For Mayreau Animal Welfare, the storm marked the beginning of one of the biggest challenges we have ever faced.

Facing the Aftermath
Many animals were left vulnerable, traumatised and injured, lacking access to food, water, shelter and medicines. Our volunteer houses were severely damaged, with roofs blown off, house contents and furniture destroyed, fencing torn down, and most of our supplies, including vital veterinary medicines, destroyed.
Whilst the island begins the long process of regeneration, our volunteers have been extremely busy supporting the animals and the community to the best of their ability. Every day continues to present new challenges, but we hope to be able to continue our mission of providing the help that Mayreau’s animals so desperately need.

Urgent Needs for Mayreau’s Animals and Their Owners
Many islanders struggle with limited resources and, even in the best of times, animal welfare is not a priority. Culturally, there is a view that as long as an animal can survive well enough to serve it’s purpose, that is sufficient. Therefore animals in Mayreau frequently depend upon us for any quality of life.
Our volunteers have been invaluable in holding the fort, braving the challenging post-hurricane conditions, and working tirelessly to care for the animals. We are also immensely grateful to Cavendish Conference Venues for their kind initiative in helping us to continue our work.

Cavendish Venues:
- Conference Venues in the City of London and the West End
- No venue is more than a 4 min walk from an Underground Station
- Seating up to 350 delegates
- Accommodating 25 3m*2m exhibition stands
- Market Leading Customer Service
Get in touch now on 0207 706 7700 or enquiries@cavendishvenues.com